Clients & Testimonials
APCOA Gatwick
- Apetito Ltd
- Aquajet (GB) Ltd
- Arc International Tableware UK Ltd
- ArtSystems Ltd
- Askam Construction Ltd
- Atkins Transport Ltd
- Austin Brickwork Ltd
- Autoglass / Belron Group
- Babcock Communications Ltd
- Babcock Infrastructure Services Ltd
- Bako North Western Ltd
- BAM Construct UK Ltd
- BFM Ltd
- Birmingham International Airport
- BMI Healthcare Ltd
- Bournemouth Borough Council
- Bramall Construction Ltd
- Brandon Hire Plc
- Bridgestone UK Ltd
- Bristol Port Company
- Bristol Water
- British Gas Business Ltd
- British Gas Service Ltd
- British Museum
- British Transport Police
- British Waterways Marinas Ltd
- Burnley Borough Council
- Bury Council
- Cambridge University
- Cambridge County Council
- Canterbury Cathedral
- Carillion Health
- Carillion Rail Training
- Carillion Utility Services
- Carlsberg Ltd
- Central & NW London NHS Foundation Trust
- Central Essex Community Services (NHS)
- Central Trains Ltd
- Centrax TCL Ltd
- Cheltenham Borough Council – Waste & Recycling
- Citipost DSA Ltd
- Claridge’s Hotel
- Coca Cola Enterprises Ltd
- Community Waste Ltd
- Complete Office Moves Ltd
- Connaught Plc
- ConocoPhillips Petroleum Co. UK Ltd
- Contour Premium Aircraft Seating
- CORUS Group
- Coventry and Warwickshire Parntership NHS Trust
- Cunard
- DAL Utilities Ltd
- Danny Sullivan & Sons Ltd
- Davan Caravans Ltd
- David Lloyd Leisure
- Defence Academy of the UK
- Department for Work and Pensions
- Derbyshire County Coucil
- DOC Cleaning Ltd
- Doncasters Precision Castings Ltd
- Don Valley Stadium
- Dow Jones International ltd
- Driving Standards Agency
- DuPont Liquid Packaging Systems
- East Coast Gas Services Ltd
- East Lothian Council
- Ecologia Environmental Solutions Ltd
- Eden Industries Ltd
- EMCOR Facilities Services Ltd
- English Institute of Sport, Sheffield
- Envirowise
- Epsom & Ewell Borough Council
- Evolution Personnel Ltd
- Exel Europe Ltd
- ExxonMobil
- Fabrication Services Ltd
- Fauna & Flora International
- Flintshire County Council
- Future Publishing Ltd
- G4S
- Gate Gourmet Ltd
- General Dynamics UK Ltd
- GlaxoSmithKline Plc
- Golden Acres Pet Food Ltd
- Grove Care Partnership
- Guernsey Commerce and Employment Department
- Guernsey Dairy Ltd
- Guernsey Gas Ltd
- Hackney Homes
- Hadrian Healthcare Ltd
- Health Protection Agency
- Home Office
- Gloucestershire Probation Service
- HMP Northallerton
- HMP Leeds
- HMP Wakefield
- Stansted Immigration Service
- Suffolk Police
- Hopkins Recycling Ltd
- Hotchkiss Ductwork Ltd
- Houghtons Waste Paper Ltd
- Innospec Ltd
- Irvine Whitlock Ltd
- Isle of Wight Council
- Keits Ltd
- Kinnerton Confectionary Ltd
- KJ Engineering Ltd
- Kodak Ltd
- Larkfleet Homes Ltd
- Leisure Connection Ltd
- Lewes District Council – Waste & Recycling section
- Lewisham FE College
- LGC Forensics
- Lockheed Martin UK INSYS Ltd
- London Symphony Orchestra
- London Thamesport
- London Wall Design Ltd
- London Zoo
- Loughborough University
- LSF Services Ltd
- Maersk
- Magellan Aerospace
- Mamas & Papas Ltd
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- Manley Summers Recruitment Ltd
- Marine Biological Association
- Martells International Removers
- May Gurney Ltd
- Merton Council
- Michael Thorne Construction Ltd
- Monarch Aircraft Engineering Ltd
- Morgan Contract Furniture Plc
- Morgan Sindall Plc
- Moulton College
- MS Society
- M W Kellogg Ltd
- Newcastle City Council
- Newsprint International
- Norbert Dentressangle
- Norse Commercial Services Ltd
- North East Ambulance Service
- Nuffield Health
- Off Limits Corporate Events Ltd
- Ordnance Survey
- Opera North Ltd
- Pall Europe
- Panache Lingerie Ltd
- Panasonic Avionics Corporation
- Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice
- Powersystems UK Ltd
- Primus Build Ltd
- Raven Housing Trust Ltd
- Rochdale MBC
- Rolls Royce Plc
- Ross Aldridge Solicitors
- Royal College of Music
- Royal Shakespeare Company
- Ryecroft Foods Ltd
- Ryman Ltd
- Saga Shipping Ltd
- SCA Hygiene
- Seamap (UK) Ltd
- Selex Communications Ltd
- Serco
- Severn Trent Services Ltd
- Sheffield International Venues Ltd
- Shepherd Engineering Services
- Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust
- South Oxfordshire Ambulance Service
- Speedrite NE Ltd
- Sterigenics UK Ltd
- Steve Porter Transport Ltd
- St George’s NHS Trust
- Stoneham Plc
- Suzuki GB Plc
- Taunton Deane Parks Service
- TES Aviation
- Tetrad Plc
- TJX Europe Ltd
- Topaz Marine, Azerbaijan
- Total Waste Management Alliance Ltd
- Transport for London
- Treetops Hospice
- Tristar Chauffeur Services
- UK Drainage Network Ltd
- Unilever Plc
- United Biscuits
- University College London
- University of Bath
- University of Birmingham
- University of Oxford
- Valpak Recycling (Northwest) Ltd
- VOSA – Vehicle and Operators Standards Agency
- VT Group
- Wadworth Brewery
- West London Health Estates and Facilities
- Westminster Dredging Co Ltd
- Weymouth College
- Williams Performance Tenders Ltd
- Wiltshire Council
- Wolverhampton City Primary Care Trust
- Wolseley Plc
Relaxed but vibrant delivery makes this an enjoyable 2 days of instructions. Recommended for various competency groups
Fantastic course. The most practical and informative train the trainer course I have come across. I have had great feedback from the other participants and will definitely be recommending your services around the business

Case Study: Autoglass & Belron Group
The 2 day City & Guilds manual handling train the trainer event was held for participants from a cross section of the group’s businesses. Some were existing manual handling trainers and others were new to the subject. According to Standards Manager Lameck Sithole, “the training was extremely beneficial. It was tailored to our needs and run in a very interactive manner to maximise the company specific benefits. The participants have been well equipped to deliver training to our handlers.”
As the handling of windscreens involved some very specific best practice techniques, Alistair Bromhead undertook a site visit to understand the process, talk to site personnel and to watch handlers in action. Discussions were subsequently held with the health and safety management team to further develop best practice which was then integrated into the 2 day train the trainer course.
An essential course for trainers on how to deliver manual handling training. Well informed and structured, it provides you with all the tools needed to become a successful trainer
Refreshing new ideas and the course provided plenty of suggestions for additions to my future courses
Great notes and aids for future training use. First class training provider and learning methodologies
I was really impressed and inspired by the course!

Case Study: Gate Gourmet
Gate Gourmet is the world’s largest independent provider of catering and provisioning services for airlines and railroads. The company supplies more than 200 million meals at some 120 airport locations around the globe.
The company had a variety of manual handling initiatives and ran the 2 day City & Guilds Manual Handling Train the Trainer course in-house at their Heathrow site for staff from a number of locations across the UK to:
- Develop new trainers to cascade in-house manual handling training
- Ensure that all of the trainers had a similar level of technical knowledge
Provide a fresh pair of eyes on the subject as well as new ideas for interactive exercises to obtain participation and buy-in - Facilitate discussions regarding the best format to use for the subsequent handler training sessions
The feedback from the trainers was extremely positive and they felt well equipped for the subsequent meetings to fine-tune the format for their own handler training.
According to company trainer Simon Courage, “the 2 day City & Guilds Manual Handling Train the Trainer course worked well for us. Alistair ran it in an interactive manner, getting everyone involved and concentrating on the specific handling issues which we face. Even those who have been running handler training for years found the training most beneficial”
Course content was very informative with excellent tips on presenting skills. It provided a good insight into involving the group when running my own sessions
John Jackson was an exceptional, knowledgeable and motivating tutor. The course provided me with all the necessary information to run my own training and I now feel very well prepared
Excellent course. I will now feel extremely confident delivering this content in the workplace
Firstly can I say how much I enjoyed the course, the venue was first class and the instruction by John Jackson was excellent. The structure is great and aids easy understanding, so much so that I have already delivered 2 courses and the feedback has been very positive which is most gratifying. This is clearly down to the quality of the training I received and the tools provided to enable me to deliver my own training sessions. Rest assured I will not hesitate in recommending your company to anyone seeking training
Very enjoyable 2 days. Have learnt lots. Would not have dreamt that I would be volunteering to deliver a presentation on anatomy.
Excellent resources to enable the practical application of the training
One month later:
I have now completed manual handling training with the whole company, based upon the course material and suggestions you provided. It has proved to be a revelation to many people, and I am confident that we are now in a much safer place
Thank-you again for the excellent course you provided. I found it very informative and enjoyable and will have no hesitation in recommending your services
We already ran an in-house course on manual handling. However, as a result of the City & Guilds Manual Handling Train the Trainer course, we have re-written our own training to include many of the techniques and examples suggested by Alistair. It is now a much more interactive course and our trainers have also been given credibility and confidence through their City & Guilds certification.
I would highly recommend this course to trainers, both new to the role and also those with experience. Alistair delivers the course content in a very professional and easy manner with the emphasis on getting everyone involved. Lots of practical exercises, interaction and sharing of training tips and ideas. The City & Guilds accreditation is the icing on the cake. Highly recommended.
An enjoyable and informative course, with very clear instructions
I would have no hesitation in recommending this course to others; I found it very useful and will aid our company to provide quality training to all our staff. The two day course was very well presented, this along with the training aids you provided meant that myself and the other two members from our team are fully equipped to deliver our in-house courses
I cannot recommend this course enough! It has substantially reduced my time in preparing overheads, notes and training techniques. Novice and professional alike will gain from this course and from a very knowledgeable instructor.
A very good informative course. Lots of content and lots of ideas to vary my presentations. Thank-you!
Very useful course, lots of good ideas for training
Excellent course, very refreshing and puts a new slant on my future training
I have attended many training courses but this was one of the best & most enjoyable. The length of the course, content & delivery were excellent giving me complete confidence that I can successfully present manual handling courses here at the University
Thank-you very much for the manual handing train the trainer training. The feedback from those attending has been extremely positive and they thoroughly enjoyed the course. I am sure that the skills and knowledge gained will deliver a significant improvement to our health and safety performance
Great course. Enjoyable, practical and equipped our people with everything they need to deliver in-house manual handling training
Well structured, excellently delivered in a comfortable environment, with good student participation and well formatted notes that are going to be an invaluable aid for training