The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recently reported on a survey of 45 small firms which showed how difficult they found it to strike the compliance balance of health and safety, and how much time they wasted in taking unnecessary actions. Examples quoted include a risk assessment for using a tape measure and written guidelines for walking upstairs. Nearly a third of the sample said they were aware that they needed to act, but they were not sure where to start or if they were doing the right things.

Train Some Health and Safety Champions

If you feel like that, you could do with some professional input, and getting some health and safety champions properly trained could save lots of time wasting and free up their colleagues to be more productive. They would quickly learn to avoid the myths about health and safety compliance that the HSE found to be prevalent and would be freed up to concentrate on what really matters. They would highlight the real risks in your workplace and ensure that reasonable precautions were in place. You could be confident about how to manage health and safety sensibly and comply with the law.

Good Health and Safety Training

The City & Guilds (C&G) accredited Health & Safety Course run by Alistair Bromhead Ltd normally takes place on your premises so that it can be tailored precisely to the needs of your business. To make up delegate numbers if you are a small business, you could arrange to invite members of another local organisation and share the cost. The 2 day course will lead to a C&G Certificate, and the cost will include the C&G registration and certification for each candidate.

The course will cover the legislation and risk assessment practice relating to whatever suits the needs of your operations, for example, machinery, manual handling, fire, noise and hazardous substances. It can be tailored to your topics of interest and will be delivered with a practical perspective. Delegates will learn just how to assess and deal with the unique risks of your company’s operations.