Shocking revelations about bad care in a few care homes have rocked the nation recently. Health and care organisations are under greater scrutiny than ever before. It is vitally important that every member of staff is properly trained and supervised.

Patient moving and handling is one area where Alistair Bromhead Ltd can help with highly respected courses and qualifications. Using the right techniques for this is not only important for the people needing the care, it also keeps your staff safe from the development of musculoskeletal disorder. New recruits should be trained without delay and reinforcement and top-up training is necessary at regular intervals. Costs mount up when this is outsourced every time and it makes sense to have in-house trainers.

Train your Trainers to Make Savings

If you have the right people for this, they will be delighted to add the IOSH People Handling Train the Trainer qualification to their CVs. This is gained through a four day Alistair Bromhead course, with ongoing support for delegates afterwards.

They will also leave the course with a comprehensive instructor pack. It will comprise not only the course manual, but also a series of suggested lesson plans, a CD with presentations that can be used on courses, and various useful extras. These could be a sample written test, a practical assessment sheet, a suggested risk assessment form and details of suppliers for manual handling training aids.

Courses are scheduled in London locations and more are being established in venues around the country. If you have several delegates, it would be worth holding in-house courses at which up to eight people could be trained at once. That way the price is fixed and you will not have to fork out for the participants’ travel and subsistence expenses.

Benefits all Round

Anyone can attend if they are fit enough to be able to demonstrate basic people handling techniques, and can work in the English language. They might be care home staff, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, occupational health practitioners, paramedics or tutors of other subjects. They will be pleased with another string to their bow, and you will be able to save money on this important aspect of training in sympathetic, safe and professional care.